Sunday, May 1, 2011

Syrian protesters stay defiant amid crackdown

Week of renewed protests called by activists as scores are arrested in intensifying crackdown by security forces.


"Anti-government protesters in Syria are planning further demonstrations during the week, undaunted by a violent security crackdown unleashed on them.

Activists, vowing to keep up the pressure on the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, said the "week of breaking the siege" protests would begin in Deraa on Sunday and around the capital, Damascus, on Monday.

They were referring to the brutal lockdown imposed on the southern city of Deraa and in the Damascus suburb of Douma by the authorities in a bid to quell the unprecedented protests.

Hundreds have been killed in the weeks since the protests first erupted, shaking Assad's one-party rule.

Rallies are planned in the northern towns of Baniyas and Jableh on Tuesday, while protests are planned on Wednesday in Homs, Talbisseh and in Tall Kalakh on the border with Lebanon. Nationwide night vigils are also to be held on Thursday.

The determined call for renewed protests came as security forces continued to come down heavily on the protesters.

Quoting a source in Deraa, Al Jazeera's Rula Amin said the situation in the city remained tense though tank shelling had ceased.

"Security forces are intensifying their house to house searches and (there have been) many many random arrests.

"He says hundreds of people have been arrested...government says it's forces arrested 149 people in Deraa. Old city and the Karak neighbourhood are bearing the brunt of the operation today."

'Symbol of defiance'

Deraa has been tightly blockaded since Monday, when the army went in backed by snipers and tanks.

"In Deraa, people are still confined to their homes, communications still down, no electricity, no one can go in and no one can come out," our correspondent added....."

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