Saturday, May 21, 2011

Top Egyptian cleric: Mubarak deserves mercy. The Al-Azhar Stooge was Appointed by....Mubarak!


"BERLIN (AP) — Egypt's top Sunni Muslim cleric says the country's former president Hosni Mubarak should be granted mercy instead of facing prosecution, a German newspaper reported Saturday.

Ahmed el-Tayeb, the grand sheik of Cairo's Al-Azhar institution, was quoted by German weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung's Sunday edition as saying that "mercy should prevail over justice" given Mubarak's achievements and his poor health.....

This critical situation in the country, he was further quoted as saying, "could force the military to remain in power."

The French-educated el-Tayeb was appointed to his post last year by Mubarak. He had been a member of Mubarak's ruling party but left it after public criticism that the head of Al-Azhar shouldn't also be in politics.

During the 18-day uprising that ousted Mubarak, el-Tayeb condemned the sit-in in Tahrir square after Mubarak promised concessions. He said the continued protests were not religiously condoned...."

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