Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Violence hurting Palestinians in Syria

Contributed by Molly

"NAIROBI, 11 May 2011 (IRIN) - Continuing violence in Syria has affected the delivery of aid to Palestinian refugees, raising concerns about the impact on 30,000 people in Dera’a and surrounding areas, including 120 patients who receive insulin, a spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said.

"UNRWA has attempted to send urgent medical supplies to Dera’a but this has not yet been possible," said Christopher Guinness. "UNRWA has expressed its concerns to the government of Syria and hopes the resumption of normal operations will be possible soon." The agency has 118 schools across Syria teaching 66,000 pupils; 23 primary health centres, six community rehabilitation centres and 15 women’s centres.

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos said: "I am concerned about the lack of humanitarian access to parts of Syria, including Dera’a, and cities on the coast including Latakia, Jablah, Baniyas, and Douma," in a statement. A proposed assessment mission to Dera’a scheduled for 8 May did not go ahead.

On 9 May, the EU imposed an embargo on arms and equipment that may be used for internal repression, an asset freeze and a travel ban targeting 13 individuals. "

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