Monday, May 23, 2011

The Zionist Feltman to Instruct Libyan "Rebels" on "Liberation"......Rejoice Libyans!

Assistant Secretary Feltman’s Travel to Benghazi, Libya

Office of the Spokesman
May 23, 2011


Assistant Secretary Feltman’s Travel to Benghazi

Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman travels to Benghazi, Libya May 22-24 to meet with Transitional National Council (TNC) members, including Chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil. Coming on the heels of TNC Executive Bureau President Mahmoud Jibril’s May 10-13 visit to Washington, Assistant Secretary Feltman’s visit to Benghazi is another signal of U.S. support for the TNC as a credible and legitimate interlocutor for the Libyan people. The United States remains committed to protecting Libyan civilians and believes Qadhafi must leave power and Libya. The Libyan people, like people everywhere, have the right to determine their own future and the United States will continue to support them and to work with the TNC in this endeavor...."

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