Friday, June 17, 2011

Assad's tycoon cousin to quit business

Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, to channel wealth into charity as a concession to protesters

Reuters, Friday 17 June 2011


No one believes that these theatrics mean anything. This move is just as sincere as the Rabbit's declaration that he "ended the state of emergency" just before he launched a major campaign of slaughter, torture and mass disappearance of tens of thousands of Syrians.

No one will be fooled by such move. This entire regime has to be brought down and the Rabbit and his criminal relatives and cronies, such as Makhlouf, brought to trial.

"Syrian tycoon Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of President Bashar al-Assad and focus of anti-corruption protests, is quitting business [Ha, Ha, Ha.....Sure! And Angry Arab is really Lady Gaga. This is as sincere as Al Capone playing Santa Claus.], state media said, in a major concession to demonstrations against Assad's rule.

The announcement came on the eve of weekly Muslim prayers, which have usually witnessed the biggest protests and the heaviest bloodshed of the three-month unrest, and as army units circled two towns in the north of the country....."

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