Monday, June 13, 2011

Bahraini activist jailed for reading poem

12 June 2011

"A military court in Bahrain has sentenced a poet to one year in prison for reading out a poem criticizing the country’s King.

Ayat al-Qarmezi, 20, a poet and student was sentenced in a Manama court today following her arrest in March for reading out a poem at a pro-reform rally. She has reportedly been tortured while in detention.

She was charged with taking part in illegal protests, disrupting public security and publicly inciting hatred towards the regime.

"By locking up a female poet merely for expressing her views in public, Bahrain’s authorities are demonstrating how free speech and assembly are brutally denied to ordinary Bahrainis,” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

The Bahraini authorities must drop the unfair charges against Ayat al-Qarmezi, and release her immediately and unconditionally."...."

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