Friday, June 3, 2011

The Cowardly Lebanese "Army" is at it, Again! They Miss Serving Tea to the IOF: Lebanon army bans demonstrations near Israel border

"TYRE, Lebanon — Lebanon has banned all demonstrations near the Israeli border as the Palestinians gear up to mark 44 years since the seizure of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the Six Day War, a security official told AFP on Friday.

"The army has taken the decision to ban any demonstration south of the Litani (river) and particularly at the border," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"The army will not allow anyone to approach the border."[The Watchdog for Israel??]

Palestinians in Lebanon and other Arab states neighbouring Israel had said they planned to march on the Jewish state's borders on Sunday to mark the anniversary, known in Arabic as the "Naqsa" or "setback."

Organisers of the protest said in a statement that the march had been cancelled because of the ban, and instead called on Palestinians in Lebanon to stage sit-ins and gatherings on Sunday inside the refugee camps....."

Lebanese Soldiers Serve Tea To Israeli Soldiers in Marjayoun

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