Sunday, June 5, 2011

Evidence of an Inside Job in the Attack on Saleh

عملية قصف دار الرئاسة (شاهد بالصور)

Look at this photo:

It shows some of the damage to the exterior of the mosque in which Saleh and his entourage were when attacked. A forensic observation clearly shows that the explosion was from the inside. The bricks have fallen outside, and not inside.

This could indicate that it was a bomb placed inside the mosque, by a mole.

There are more photos in the link.


In an Al-Jazeera video, posted above, there is a view showing another wall of the mosque, with a hole in it. This could very well indicate that indeed a rocket hit that wall and exploded inside the mosque. This appears to be the most likely explanation.

But still, an inside mole most likely helped with the timing and the precise location to hit.

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