Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fears for Syrian child protesters amid fresh reports of deaths

10 June 2011

"Amnesty International urged the Syrian authorities to protect child protesters amid fresh reports of young people being tortured and killed.

Video evidence has emerged in recent days of two new cases of teenagersThamer al-Sahri and Nazir ‘Abd al-Kader – dying after receiving injuries caused by beatings and gunshot wounds.

“Reports that the Syrian security forces have tortured and killed children in their custody would, if confirmed, mark a new low in their bloody repression of protests,” said Philip Luther, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.

The violent deaths suffered by Thamer al-Sahri and other children are utterly shocking, as is the Syrian authorities’ apparent lack of action to rein in the security forces accused of being responsible for them.”

International media released an amateur video on Thursday purportedly showing the body of 15-year-old Thamer al-Sahri, which was returned to his family in the Syrian village of Jeeza the day before......"

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