Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gaza Border 'Opening' is Just Rhetoric

The New Egyptian "Boss" Does What the Real Boss Tells Him to Do: Keep Gaza Strangled!

By Ramzy Baroud in Gaza
Palestine Chronicle

"For most Palestinians, leaving Gaza through Egypt is as exasperating a process as entering it.

Governed by political and cultural sensitivities, most Palestinian officials and public figures refrain from criticising the way Palestinians are treated at the Rafah border.

However there is really no diplomatic language to describe the relationship between desperate Palestinians - some literally fighting for their lives - and Egyptian officials at the crossing which separates Gaza from Egypt. "Gazans are treated like animals at the border," a friend of mine told me.....
Having crossed the border myself just a few days ago, I could not disagree with her statement......

..... the Rafah border was opened for two days of conditional operation in late May and then closed again for four days. Now it has once more "reopened." All the announcements are proving to be no more than rhetoric......

I was one of the very first Palestinians who stood at Rafah following the announcement of a "permanent" opening.....

A tangible feeling of despair and humiliation could be read on the faces of the Gaza passengers.
No-one seemed to be in the mood to speak of the Egyptian revolution, a favourite topic of conversation among most Palestinians.....

All Palestinians are treated very poorly at the Rafah crossing and they continue to suffer even after the toppling of Mubarak, his family and the dismissal of the corrupt security apparatus. The Egyptian revolution has yet to reach Gaza....... "

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