Saturday, June 25, 2011

Scrubbing Egypt Clean of Mubarak

By Cam McGrath

"CAIRO, Jun 25, 2011 (IPS) - Throughout Egypt the once-ubiquitous name and image of ousted president Hosni Mubarak is becoming increasingly scarce as citizens attempt to purge the land of the former dictator's tarnished legacy.

For three decades, officials hoping to curry favour with the regime named public facilities after the former president and his wife, and plastered their photo-shopped visages across billboards and banners. A portrait of Mubarak hung in every government office.....

The Mubaraks took particular pride in Egypt's dilapidated education sector, and hundreds of schools and research institutes carried their name. Ministry of Education data indicates 549 schools nationwide were named after members of the Mubarak family – 388 after Hosni, 160 after Suzanne, and one school after their youngest son, Gamal.

Many of the schools were rebranded after parents protested that they would not permit their children to receive instruction in any building bearing the Mubarak name. It also became a convenient pretext for students to skip classes....

Removing Mubarak's name and image is the easy part, analysts concur. The colossal challenge that remains is to dismantle the culture of corruption and nepotism that flourished under the ousted dictator's 30-year reign."

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