Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Secular" Syria Under the Butcher, With Help From.....The Ayatollahs!

By Tony Sayegh

One of the central lies of the bloody Syrian regime of the Rabbit is that it, and it alone, is the only guarantee that Syria remains secular. The regime blames the broad uprising on assorted "armed gangs," "outside conspirators," Al-Qa'ida-related Islamists, the Muslim Brothers, and what have you.

Yet, only two forces currently strongly support the Syrian butcher: the "Republic" of the Ayatollahs in Iran, and its proxy, the openly sectarian Hizbullah. Don't you find this a bit ironic? The Ayatollahs preserving a "secular" republican monarchy in Syria!

Turkey has distanced itself from its former ally and now is condemning its horrendous and brutal crimes against its own people. France (which hosted him at Bastille Day Parade, July 14, 2008) and other European countries, which not long ago were receiving the butcher as a hero and as a "reformer," are also beginning to speak out (albeit timidly) against the despot.

Needless to say, the vast majority of Arabs abhor the crimes of the Syrian regime. In a current poll by Al-Jazeera (Arabic), more than 85% of the respondents support condemnation of Syria by the UN.

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