Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tunisia joins International Criminal Court

More countries in the Middle East and North Africa should join the ICC

24 June 2011

"Tunisia took an important step towards strengthening fundamental human rights today by joining the International Criminal Court (ICC).

At a ceremony at the UN in New York, Tunisia became the 116th state party to the Rome Statute, which set up the ICC to investigate and prosecute cases of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity worldwide.

The Tunisian government has said it also intends to ratify or adhere to several other key human rights treaties.

This kind of government action gives substance to the courageous actions of ordinary Tunisians who took to the streets to demand an end to abuses and the building of a fundamentally fair and just society,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, who is currently in Cairo.

“All countries in the region should follow Tunisia’s example by embracing the international legal framework to protect human rights and prevent injustice.”...."

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