Friday, June 10, 2011

UN Security Council: Demand End to Syria Crackdown

Discontent on Libya Should Not Deter Action by Emerging Powers

June 10, 2011

"....According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), "non-governmental organizations and others are now reporting that the number of men, women and children killed since the protests began in March has exceeded 1,100, with up to 10,000 or more detained."

"The Security Council's complete silence in the face of mass atrocities against the people of Syria is emboldening the Syrian government in its bloody crackdown," said Philippe Bolopion, UN director at Human Rights Watch. "A veto by Russia and China to protect the Syrian government and block efforts to stop the killings would be a serious betrayal of Syria's beleaguered citizens."

Despite the efforts of Syrian authorities to prevent access to the country, Human Rights Watch researchers have conducted dozens of interviews inside Syria and established that Syrian security forces have killed hundreds of protesters and arbitrarily arrested thousands, many of whom, including children, have been beaten and tortured....

, another emerging power and a neighbor of Syria, has condemned the violence in no uncertain terms. Most recently Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - whose country was on the Security Council in 2009 and 2010 - denounced the Syrian government's violent crackdown as a "barbarity" that is "inhumane" and "cannot be digested," according to media reports.

Contrary to Syrian officials' attempts to blame the violence on "terrorist groups" or "armed gangs," Human Rights Watch's research indicates that the protests were overwhelmingly peaceful...."

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