Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Egypt clashes after police released on bail

Meet The New Boss......As Bad As The Old One.

Riots in Cairo after seven police officers accused of killing protesters during uprising are freed

The Guardian

"Hundreds of Egyptians scuffled with security guards in a court in Cairo and blocked a major road for hours after a judge ordered the release of 10 police officers charged with killing protesters during the country's uprising.

Monday's unrest added to tensions already running high in Egypt over the ruling military council's failure to hold accountable security forces involved in killing protesters during the demonstrations that toppled the former president, Hosni Mubarak.

Nearly five months later, only one police officer has been convicted in the deaths of more than 846 people killed in a government crackdown on protesters. He was tried in absentia.....

The policemen were charged with killing 17 people and injuring more than 350 in Suez during the 18-day uprising that ended with the ousting of Mubarak on 11 February. The court released seven of them on bail and postponed their trials until 14 September. Three are being tried in absentia.

Suez was a flashpoint of violence during the uprising, with many deadly confrontations between tens of thousands of protesters and security forces. Footage posted on YouTube showed police officers at a police station in the main square opening fire on protesters.....

The release of the officers has strengthened plans for a million-strong rally on 8 July to push for fair trials of former regime members, including senior security personnel suspected of giving the order to shoot protesters during the uprising.

Mahmoud Ibrahim, one of the youth groups that led the uprising, said Suez residents were planning to turn out in force for the demonstration....."

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