Sunday, July 17, 2011

Egypt FM resigns ahead of cabinet shuffle

Mohammed el-Orabi, who served for less than a month, set to be one of many ministers to go in bid to satisfy protesters.


"Mohammed el-Orabi, the foreign minister of Egypt, has resigned in a move seen one of the first steps in a broad cabinet shuffle aimed at appeasing protesters.

Prime Minister Essam Sharaf, who leads a caretaker cabinet formed after President Hosni Mubarak stepped down in February, is expected to unveil a new roster of ministers on Monday.

Sharaf hopes the new line up will help to end a week-long sit-in in central Cairo's Tahrir Square.....

'Only the beginning'

Sharaf, who himself was appointed premier after demonstrations persuaded the military to sack Mubarak's cabinet in March, pledged on Friday that "the new ministerial changes are simply the beginning".

"I am working hard to achieve your aspirations," he wrote on his Facebook page.....

On Saturday, a member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces was forced to cut short a visit to Tahrir Square after protesters drowned out his speech with booing and anti-military chants."

From Hossam El-Hamalawy:

VIDEO – Crowd boos member of Egypt’s ruling military council as he visits Tahrir

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