Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Egyptian Protests Grow Amidst Widespread Frustration Over Revolution’s Progress

"A massive week-long demonstration continues in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in perhaps the largest rallies in the five months since the uprising that led to the fall of former president, Hosni Mubarak. Protests have also been held in the coastal cities of Alexandria and Suez. The protesters are calling for all the demands of the Egyptian revolution to be met, including a wider purge of members of the Mubarak’s regime. Yesterday, 30 men armed with knives and sticks stormed the protesters’ tent camp at the square, wounding six. Egypt’s army has called on protesters to stop the demonstrations, only to draw a large protest in Tahrir last night. Speaking from Cairo, Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous says: “The Egyptian revolution has reached a critical turning point. This is not what people fought for, this is not what people died for in this revolution. This is why they are taking the streets.”...."

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