Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Haaretz interviews Ali Abunimah about boycotting Israel

By Ali Abunimah

"Israel’s Haaretz interviewed The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah for an article on American views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His extensive comments, excerpted below, focused on why organized “joint projects” and “dialogues” aimed at normalizing Israel’s relations in the Arab world are being shunned by Palestinian civil society and the logic of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement....

“So across Palestinian civil society there is now a strong antipathy toward such organized joint projects. They are largely seen as patronizing and offering nothing that changes the power dynamic or advances the struggle to end Israeli occupation and oppression. By way of contrast, pressure and isolation is having a quite dramatic effect on Israel. First, there was an effort to ignore it, but now there is panic. Israel has launched a global campaign against what it calls ‘delegitimization’ and recently we saw the Boycott Law passed. This reminds me of the final years of the apartheid regime in South Africa.”....."

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