Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pirates of the Mediterranean Strike Again: Israeli navy surrounds Gaza-bound boat

Marines tell crew on French yacht they will take control of the boat if it does not change course and leave the area.


"Israeli naval vessels have told a French yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists intending to sail to the Gaza Strip to leave the area, according to an Al Jazeera correspondent.

He said a communication from an Israeli vessel told the yacht on Tuesday that marines would take control of the boat if it did not heed their instructions.

"The boat is surrounded by at least three Israeli ships and since 9.06am (0706 GMT) all the communications have been jammed. We can't get in touch with them by phone or by internet," Julien Rivoire, an organiser, said by phone from Paris......

Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish activists when they stormed a Gaza-bound flotilla in the Mediterranean last year."

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