Thursday, July 21, 2011

Syria: Mass Arrest Campaign Intensifies

Activists, Witnesses Estimate 2,000 Arrests Since Late June

Human Rights Watch

July 20, 2011

"(New York) - Syrian security forces have intensified their campaign of mass arrests in cities across the country that have had anti-government protests, Human Rights Watch said today. The targeted cities include including Hama, Homs, and various suburbs around Damascus.

Reliable activists and witnesses
contacted by Human Rights Watch estimate that since late June, 2011, security forces have arrested more than 2,000 anti-government protesters, medical professionals providing aid to wounded protesters, and those alleged to have provided information to international media and human rights organizations.

"President Assad talks reform but continues to practice repression, not only through the widespread killings of demonstrators but also through mass arrests," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Who does President Assad mean to include in his ‘national dialogue' when his security forces are targeting the very people who might have something to say to him?"....."

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