Sunday, July 10, 2011

Syrian opposition rejects 'national dialogue'

(Cartoon by Ali Ferzat)
Opposition figures boycott meeting in Damascus which government says is to discuss a framework for dialogue on reform.


"Syria has opened a "national dialogue" that it hailed as a step towards multi-party democracy after five
decades of Baath party rule.

The government said the discussions would include a new media law but the credibility of Sunday's talks appeared to have been undermined by an opposition boycott.

Al Jazeera's correspondent, Rula Amin, reported from Beirut, "We have to remember that whoever is there came on an invitation from the government.

"The opposition figures who we spoke to, said that we heard very nice words but what we want to see is actions and deeds. Word wise, this is unprecedented, beyond that, this meeting will not bring any results.

"Before it is seen as [a] serious [attempt], they have to see action on the ground, the [security] forces have to be withdrawn. As otherwise everything that is said is meaningless."....."

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