Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gaza. Somalia. Humanity Lives on

By Ramzy Baroud
Palestine Chronicle

"......I wondered about it myself. Could Israel-besieged Gaza really be sending aid to famine-besieged Somalia?


One of multiple Gaza-led charity campaigns to aid Somalia is called “From Gaza: hand in hand to save the children of Somalia”. According to Ma’an News Agency, this latest effort is led by the Arab Medical Union. “The campaign aimed to demonstrate the extent of physical cohesion between besieged Gaza and Somalia and that the Palestinian people are capable to support and stand with the Somali people,” Ma’an reported on Aug. 2. Palestinians in the West Bank are also mobilizing around help for Somalia. The doctors’ union has opened several bank accounts to accommodate donations.

My mother’s generation must be immensely proud. Their endless sermons about the “pain of others” has registered well in the minds and hearts of their children. Somalis, too, I am certain, can fully appreciate the pain of Gaza.

Gaza. Somalia. Even in its darkest moment, humanity somehow lives on."

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