Friday, August 26, 2011

Nakba Day during the Arab Spring

Some Palestinian refugees worry that Syria's regime is using their struggle to gain legitimacy during its crackdown.

Matthew Cassel

"....."This regime already used guns against the Palestinian people. In Tel al-Zatar and Shatila during the camp wars and elsewhere in Lebanon, we didn't forget what they did to us," the journalist said, referring to Palestinian camps in Lebanon that came under attack either by Syrian forces or its allies during the civil war in Lebanon from 1975-1990.

"The Syrian regime is using the issue of Palestine to kill his own people. [If it cared about Palestine] it should've opened the border [to return to Palestine] decades ago," he said. "We will not give [Bashar] the chance to use us again, and we will not help him kill his own people.""

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