Thursday, August 25, 2011

Syrian journalist at risk of torture

24 August 2011

"Journalists and activists in Syria who pass on information about the country's unrest to the media face torture and other ill-treatment, Amnesty International said today, as one journalist started his second week in incommunicado detention.

'Adel Walid Kharsa was arrested by security forces in his hometown of Hama on 17 August, seemingly in connection with his news reports on the protests.

Amnesty International has information indicating that other detainees have been tortured to find out whether they have given news about events in Syria to regional and international media.
"‘Adel Walid Kharsa appears to have been arrested for his work reporting on the popular protests and the government’s brutal security crackdown in Hama,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“If this is the case then he is a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately and unconditionally.

“The authorities must also ensure that ‘Adel is protected from torture and other ill-treatment, allowed immediate contact with his family and a lawyer of his choice, and given any medical attention he needs.”


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