Monday, August 29, 2011

Syrian opposition delegation to visit Egypt in September

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"Syrian opposition figures plan to visit Egypt next month to meet with Egyptian political players and Al-Azhar leaders, members of the Syrian community in Egypt announced Sunday.

The visit, organized by the Syrian Community Assembly, would start on 8 September. It aims to brief Egyptians on the situation Syria and introduce them to the opposition's vision of Syria's future, the group's statement said.

Syrians look forward to a larger Egyptian role in supporting peoples' aspirations for civil states and freedoms, the statement said.

It said the visiting delegation will discuss ways to garner support for the Syrian opposition in its bid to remove the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

The delegation also hopes to meet with members of Egypt’s ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr.

Fahad al-Masry, political and media adviser for the assembly, said it chose Cairo as its starting point because of Egypt's political significance in the region.

Masry said the visit will conclude on 13 September with a march to the Arab League’s headquarters to protest the stance of Secretary General Nabil al-Araby on the situation in Syria. The protesters will demand a more active role for Arab states in supporting the Syrian people....."

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