Thursday, August 4, 2011

Times have changed in Cuba, but softly the struggle continues

On his first visit in 1967, John Pilger witnessed the effects of US efforts to isolate the island. Cuba today may be going through a big social and political transition, but its people still hold independence dear.

By John Pilger
The New Statesman

Published 04 August 2011

"....It is the idea of Cuba having slipped the leash that still threatens America's time-warped sense of its own power and self-given right to define other societies. As Richard Gott points out in his fine book Cuba: a New History, modern Cuba's creator, el máximo líder Fidel, in swapping his slogan from "socialism or death" to "a better world is possible", has ensured that there will be little change when he dies: regardless of machinations across the Florida Straits, change has already taken place."

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