Tuesday, August 9, 2011

UN urged to issue resolution on Syria bloodshed

9 August 2011

"World leaders must take immediate concrete action to respond to the crisis in Syria, Amnesty International said today, amid reports that the death toll since mass protests began in March had risen to more than 1,600 people.

The call came ahead of a key UN Security Council debate set for Wednesday at which Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is to deliver a report on Syria.

Some 53 people are said to have been killed across Syria since Saturday, bringing the total number of reported fatalities to over 1,600 people.

At least five civilians were reportedly killed in the central town of Hama on Tuesday.

“Any honest examination of the facts of the horrific situation in Syria should be more than sufficient to persuade the Security Council to come up with a legally-binding resolution, not just a meek statement. A mere diplomatic appeal to the Syrian authorities to end the ongoing violence against civilians will fall far short of what the situation demands,” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Director for Middle East and North Africa.

The UN must also impose a complete arms embargo on Syria as well as freezing the overseas assets of President Assad and his senior associates,”....."

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