Monday, August 1, 2011

Virginity-Tester-in-Chief Moves His Tanks into Tahrir Square; Ramadan Mubarak to You Too, Field Marshal!

(Barak to Tantawi: "Good job, go kill a few protesters. Learn from what Asad is doing in Hama!")

Egyptian tanks clearing out Tahrir Square

Army deploys soldiers to central Cairo square to send home demonstrators on first day of Ramadan.

"The Egyptian army has deployed troops in Cairo's Tahrir Square and fired several shots in the air to disperse remaining pro-democracy protesters.

A few hundred demonstrators were staying put, state television reported, showing army vehicles in the square and people taking down tents and canopies.

Witnesses said one man fell due to gunfire near the square, and protesters reportedly were fleeing to the Omar Makram mosque nearby.

Local authorities say they asked demonstrators to allow traffic to move through the square, after local shopkeepers clashed with protesters for interfering with their businesses.

Demonstrators reportedly refused, so the military moved in, officials said.

Members of the April 6th protest movement say the military did not just storm the square, but attacked the mosque where protesters had sought shelter...."

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