Wednesday, September 21, 2011

As Predicted, The Stooge Has Caved in. Back to "Negotiations" For The Next 18 Years!

Palestinians ready to put statehood on backburner in favour of peace talks

Obama causes anger with veto pledge and staunch backing of Israel but Abbas continues to hold out olive branch

Chris McGreal in New York and Harriet Sherwood in Ramallah, Wednesday 21 September 2011

"The Palestinian leadership remains prepared to put statehood on the backburner at the UN security council in order to leave room for the revival of peace talks, according to senior Palestinian sources.

The Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is said to have told Barack Obama at a meeting on Wednesday evening that he would agree to delaying a security council vote by several weeks, although the Palestinians are maintaining the line in public that any delays will be "procedural not political".

The Palestinian offer comes despite Obama angering them by defending the US threat to veto the bid for statehood....

However, the Palestinians appeared to be pulling back from an immediate confrontation, having come under intense pressure from the Europeans as well as the Americans. Although Sarkozy staked out a position sympathetic to the Palestinian cause in his UN speech, he has advised Abbas to hold off from the security council move....."

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