Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Explosion of violence in Syria caught in series of horrifying video clips

Pressure mounts on Syria as Alain Juppé accuses the regime of crimes against humanity

Ian Black, Wednesday 7 September 2011

"Syria's violence has escalated sharply, with up to 28 people reportedly killed across the country on Wednesday as France bluntly accused Bashar al-Assad's regime of committing crimes against humanity.

Horrifying film clips were posted on YouTube, one showing a dead or injured man in the central city of Homs apparently being shot by uniformed men. Another showed a young man named Abdel-Hadi Mustafa dying after being shot by a sniper. A third recorded the death of 15-year-old Zakaria Firzat from al-Rastan on Tuesday. None of the incidents could be independently authenticated as most foreign journalists have been banned from Syria. Casualty figures cannot be easily verified either.

Medical sources in Homs reported patients being kidnapped from al-Birr hospital by security personnel. "We have no idea where they've taken them," said a journalist named Fadi, describing ambulances commandeered by regime forces....."

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