Monday, September 19, 2011

Is This the "New" Egypt?? Meet the New Boss....As Bad as the Old! Detainees from Israeli Embassy protests recount police torture

Al-Masey Al-Youm

"Ahmed Hassan is a government employee who passes by the Giza Security Directorate and the Israeli Embassy every day on his way back home. But the night of 9 September was different. He found himself caught in the middle of a battle between the police and protesters, and was arrested by the army. Now he is facing charges of assaulting a Central Security Forces (CSF) officer and attacking public property.....

“I was arrested by the military. An army major grabbed me and kept giving me electric shocks with his electric baton until I passed out. Then, when I woke up, he dragged me to a side street, where I found more people arrested. Two soldiers were continuously giving me electric shocks along the way,” said Hassan to Al-Masry Al-Youm in a phone interview from inside Tora prison, where he awaits trial in a State Security Court, along with 17 others arrested along with him.

After the police made the 18 men sign statements, they were transferred to the Military Prosecution, interrogated and then taken to Tora prison, where they spent the night being tortured by the police.....

About 200 people were arrested that night and the following day to be tried in the State Security Court, which applies the Emergency Law....."

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