Monday, September 19, 2011

Palestine: A virtual state

A fresh wind is blowing through the Middle East – one with which the US has still to come to terms

Editorial, Sunday 18 September 2011

Israel will only lower the bar of success if the cost of its occupation goes up. That price is already being raised by what is happening in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey, and it will go up further if Mr Abbas continues to call the US's bluff. The US will try hard this week to avoid a veto in the UN security council, because it would be vetoing its own policy. But it is worse than that. There is little Washington can do to penalise Mr Abbas without weakening every structure it has been trying to build in the West Bank. It wants to keep the prime minister, Salam Fayyad, in place. Do you encourage him to stay by cutting off his funds? If that lever does not work, what lever does? Barack Obama has said in two speeches that America would veto a UN bid, and Mr Abbas is defying him. Contrast that to what happened over the Goldstone report, when Mr Abbas was forced to drop his support for a report that was critical of the Gaza war. A fresh wind is blowing through the Middle East – one with which the US has still to come to terms."

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