Thursday, September 1, 2011

Syrian city's attorney general resigns in protest at government crackdown

Adnan Muhammad al-Bakkour says he was asked to report that 'armed gangs' killed hundreds buried in mass graves in Hama

Nour Ali, Thursday 1 September 2011

"The attorney general of the embattled Syrian city of Hama has resigned in protest against crimes against the local population committed by security forces.

In an online video posted by activists, a man who identifies himself as Adnan Muhammad al-Bakkour said he was standing down because of the continued suppression of peaceful protests against the regime of the president, Bashar al-Assad.

According to Bakkour, 72 prisoners were killed in Hama's central prison on 31 July at the start of a three-day assault on the city on the eve of Ramadan.

Bakkour said a further 420 people had been buried in mass graves in public parks by security forces and loyalists, which he was then asked to report as having been killed by "armed gangs". He said that around 320 people had died under torture.

"I, Judge Adnan Muhammad al-Bakkour, Hama province attorney general, declare that I have resigned in protest at the savage regime's practices against peaceful demonstrators," he said......."

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