Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Syrian uprising forces Hamas to consider relocating

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"With governments and political entities across the Arab world beginning to reconsider their alliances in light of the tumultuous political situation in the region, Hamas, the political party that controls the Gaza Strip and resistance movement against Israel, is no exception....

Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar, who serves in the Gaza-based government, said on 9 September that all Palestinians in Syria were in “distress,” including Hamas members, and that Egypt was one of the options available to the group in case of relocation, as reported by the Jerusalem Post. However Zahar also stated that Hamas had not officially requested Egypt to relocate.....

As the protests continue in Syria, the pressure on Hamas to take a stand one way or the other is increasing and the current unrest has placed the group in a delicate position. However, the alternatives for relocation of the politburo do not seem to be more viable.

This is all the more pronounced in light of the recent troop movements on the Egypt-Israel border by the Egyptian military and attempts to seal many of the smuggling tunnels that permeate the Egypt-Gaza border. The border has been a hotspot since the August attacks on Eilat that reportedly originated from the Egyptian border.....

“The question also arises about the suitability of Egypt for Hamas; the situation in Cairo will not reassure them because there are powers in Egypt who view Hamas as a threat to its national security,” he adds, “especially with the recent attempts to block off the tunnels.”....."

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