Sunday, October 16, 2011

Arab League calls for dialogue in Syria

[The appearance of impotence by the AL and UN in dealing with Syria, and the shielding it is getting like Israel gets, to me proves there is NO CONSPIRACY by anyone  against Syria. In fact there is a conspiracy to shield Assad and keep him in power by everyone in the world because Assad has been Israel's best protector for 40 years, and anyone who claims otherwise is blind to the facts on the ground.]

The Arab League has announced that it plans to bring together Syria's government and opposition groups to seek ways to end the violence in the country, Qatar's Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said.
Defying calls for Syria's suspension from the regional body over a worsening army crackdown on political unrest, the League decided on Sunday to form a committee to forge dialogue between the government and opposition.
"We will call all of the parties of the opposition and government to hold a dialogue within 15 days," the League's Secretary General Nabil Elaraby said after an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo.

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