Thursday, October 27, 2011

Arab League: Deploy Civilian Monitors in Syria

At Least 186 Killed Since League Proposed a National Dialogue

Human Rights Watch
October 26, 2011

"(Cairo) – The League of Arab States should demand that Syria’s government allow independent, on-the-ground, civilian monitors to observe the behavior of the security services, Human Rights Watch said today. Such monitoring would be an essential step to end the violence in Syria and restore a climate of trust, Human Rights Watch said.

An Arab ministerial committee is expected to arrive in Damascus on October 26, 2011, to discuss the possibility of a national dialogue between Syria’s government and the opposition. The Arab League should press the Syrian government to immediately stop the violence against peaceful protesters and release all political prisoners, Human Rights Watch said.

If the Arab League’s initiative is going to have any chance of success, it needs to guarantee that civilians will be protected,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “The only way to make sure civilians are protected is to have on-the-ground monitors whose presence would inhibit abuse by the security services.”...."

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