Monday, October 31, 2011

Fury on social media over blogger's detention

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"Egyptian social media buzzed with anger on Sunday after military prosecutors ordered that Alaa Abd El Fattah, a prominent blogger, be held in detention for 15 days on charges of inciting violence against the military.

Two presidential hopefuls condemned the military prosecutors' decision. Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh, a reformist former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a presidential hopeful, said on his Twitter account that the detention of Abd El Fattah “is a major setback for the Egyptian revolution.”

Nasserist presidential hopeful Hamdeen Sabahi also expressed his anger over the decision. “I strongly condemn trying political activists and commentators before military trials. SCAF [the ruling Supreme Council of Armed Forces] must commit to their promise not to refer civilians to military courts.”

On Sunday, Abd El Fattah and Bahaa Saber, another revolutionary activist and blogger, appeared before military prosecutors, where they were accused of inciting violence against the armed forces and assaulting military personnel during the clashes between the army and protesters in Cairo on 9 October that left 28 dead.

Saber was released on bail pending investigations....

Hani Shukrallah, a journalist, tweeted a call for an international solidarity campaign with Alaa, urging some Egyptian officials such as Minister of Culture Emad Abu Ghazy, Minister of Social Solidarity Gouda Abdel Khaleq, and Minister of Finance and Deputy PM Hazem al-Beblawy, to resign in objection to the measures against Abd El Fattah....."

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