Sunday, October 30, 2011


By Eric Margolis
October 29, 2011

"Wasted $1 trillion in the futile Iraq war? Being defeated by medieval Afghan tribesmen? Can’t pay your bills at home or abroad? Government paralyzed? Worried about China?
What’s the answer? Simple.

A new little war in Africa.

Having finished off former ally Muammar Gadaffi, the US Pentagon, CIA, and the new US Africa Command are now focusing on East Africa.

In recent weeks, the long simmering conflict in the Horn of Africa burst into flames as the US and France intensified military operations against Somalia’s rag-tag nationalist/Islamist militia, Shebab.

Western politicians and media warn Shebab is a dire international threat that must be stamped out, though most could not find Somalia on a world map.....

The White House is supposed to be cutting expenses at a time when budgets are out of control and 44 million Americans subsist on food stamps.

Let Washington’s squabbling politicians deal with budget headaches says the mighty US national security establishment. We’re in charge. Onward to Kampala and Juba!"

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