Sunday, October 9, 2011

Israel’s Jewishness: Precondition for Palestinian Statehood

By Jonathan Cook

"Nazareth - Israel’s relentless efforts to foil a Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations are linked to its increasingly intransigent demand that it be recognized as a Jewish state.

By denying the Palestinians the UN route while at the same time insisting as part of peace talks that they acknowledge Israel’s Jewish character, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is driving the final nail into the coffin of the peace process and the pursuit of the two-state solution.

Israel’s insistence on recognition of its Jewishness is a recent addition to its list of final-status issues to be resolved with the Palestinians in a negotiated settlement. But Netanyahu has rapidly forced it to the top of Israel’s agenda, making it all but a precondition for his entering talks.

After months of pressuring Israel to withdraw the requirement, the US administration of Barack Obama finally appears to be relenting. The White House is now reported to be insisting behind the scenes that the Palestinians recognize Israel’s Jewishness. The US has also promised to block the Palestinians if they continue to push for statehood at the UN.

The rest of the international community, represented by the Quartet — a body overseeing the peace process that comprises the US, the European Union, the UN, and Russia — are reported to be following suit....."

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