Friday, October 7, 2011

Journalism and a world in transition: Wadah Khanfar's James Cameron memorial lecture

As the Arab spring demonstrates, news organisations must embrace new forms of people-centred media

Wadah Khanfar
(Wadah Khanfar was the director general of the al-Jazeera network), Friday 7 October 2011

"....The world is going through a period of major transformation particularly in the aftermath of the revolutions that swept across the Arab world and the successive economic crises. Despite the major challenges facing our media institutions, there are bright spots that need to be developed further.

Such a task requires full determination to rectify the media compass so as to be centred around the people. Collaboration among the various media institutions, including the sharing of resources and the exchange of expertise, will undoubtedly help us regain the initiative and revive respect for the media in the eyes of the public. The idea is to remain always loyal to the esteemed mission for which the late James Cameron and his colleagues of various languages, races and nations worked."

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