Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Lying Tyrant: Yemen president 'to step down'

Ali Abdullah Saleh has announced on state television that he plans to step down "in the coming days".


"Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh has announced that he will leave power in the coming days after the country has been largely paralysed by nearly nine months of mass protests against his 33-year rule.

"I reject power and I will continue to reject it, and I will be leaving power in the coming days," he said on Saturday in a speech on state television.

Tawakul Karman, Yemeni activist and recent Nobel Peace Prize laureate, told Al Jazeera that protesters are skeptical of Saleh's announcement.

"In general, we don't believe him," she said.

Karman vowed that protesters "will continue peaceful revolution" until he gives "the power he's stolen to the revolution people"....."

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