Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Syria's opposition must face the regime alone

...........The Heads of The Syrian Mafia.........

Assad's government has warned countries not to recognise the National Council, but this revolution is by and for Syrians alone

Fadwa al-Hatem
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 11 October 2011

"Syria's foreign minister, Walid Mouallem, has been warning of stern measures against any country that recognises the newly formed opposition National Council. The fact that the foreign minister is now directly referring to "this illegitimate council" (as he calls it) shows how seriously the Syrian regime is starting to take the opposition. While the regime's official narrative, ridiculous as it is, could at first afford to ignore the reality on the ground, this is no longer the case....

All this means that Assad will see the region burn before he gives up power, and he has allies who are prepared to do the same in order to ensure that he stays. The loss of Syria from Iran's sphere of influence would severely weaken her, and would be a major blow for Hezbollah, which relies on supplies coming in through Syria, rather than by sea. So Assad must stay at all costs, otherwise the whole necklace will come apart.....

Interestingly, Medvedev also hinted that Russia would not interfere if the Syrian people chose to remove Assad. He is right, as there is not a lot that he, or any of Assad's allies, can do if crowds waving Syrian flags start storming the president's residence. At the same time, there is nothing – apart from unilateral sanctions and condemnation – that anybody can do to help the protesters. But this is not a bad thing. The nascent Syrian opposition is trying to step up to its responsibilities and the internal dialogue still mostly favours a peaceful revolution – for the time being. This is a revolution that is by Syrians, for Syrians, and the Syrian people must now face their president and his regime alone."

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