Sunday, October 2, 2011

US diplomat: US met with Egypt Islamists

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"US officials met members of the Muslim Brotherhood's political party, a US diplomat said, after Washington announced it would have direct contacts with Egypt's biggest Islamist group whose role has grown since US ally Hosni Mubarak was ousted.

Washington announced the plans in June, portraying such contacts as the continuation of an earlier policy. But analysts said it reflected a new approach to the way it dealt with a group which Mubarak banned from politics....

The diplomat said the US contacts had been with "high-level" members of the Brotherhood's party but did not give names. From the US side, he said the contacts were not at ambassadorial level but he did not give further details.

"We had occasionally had these contacts in the past ... The difference is in the past we had seen parliamentarians," he said....

Speaking to Reuters on Sunday, the party deputy head Essam al-Erian also denied any meetings had taken place with US officials when asked about the diplomat's comments.

It was not immediately clear why the two sides gave different accounts [The Brotherhood is lying, as usual.]....."

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