Tuesday, October 4, 2011

US follows a failed path

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

"....United States involvement in Syria is the second-greatest danger facing the Syria uprising (the first being the cruelty of the regime). Sweeping sanctions and threats will turn the conflict into another American fight against an Arab regime, as opposed to an unadulterated people's uprising - a revolution even - for the rights of Syrians and the future of their country.

Robert Ford is a mere conduit of failed US policies. His insistence on hijacking the diplomatic scene in the country will garner him some media attention, and perhaps a book deal. But for now it will be a liability for the Syrian uprising, which needs to remain independent from US posturing in order to triumph.

And in the long run, the economically frail and militarily compromised US cannot be an effective player in shaping the political landscape in Syria - or anywhere else in the Middle East. Ultimately, the future of the Syrian people will be determined by their own fortitude."

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