Sunday, October 9, 2011

Video: Ahmad Chalabi gets a shoe thrown by one of the audience in Hezbollah's forum about Bahrain

هرج ومرج وشتائم.. على المنار

"....But it seems not everybody knew that Chalabi - whose lies and manipulations provided the pretext for the war and destruction of Iraq - was one of the top lecturers at the Hezbollah's conference and the main adviser and collaborator of Bahraini opposers and activists. So, when Chalabi started talking an egyptian reasercher, Ashraf Bayyumi, interrupted his speech and told him "You entered Baghdad on US tanks!" and then another man got up and said "I refuse to be part of this and we have an American stooge ('Amil) in here" and got out. Finally, someone from the audience threw a shoe and it hit Chalabi on the head(Watch around 24 seconds into the video). Chalabi started chanting from the podium "Down with ignorance! You are all agents of Saddam!"..."

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