Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Al-Akhbar: A disgraceful "leftist" journal that supports "good" Arab dictators

[Ibrahim Al-Amin is the Lebanese Chirstopher Hitchens. He has lost all credibility just like Hizbullah
after the syrian revolution. Look at this article he published today in defense of Assad , a Thomas Friendmansque masterpiece: Filled with lies, inference and sensationalism. He NEVER mentions the atrocities or number of Civilians killed or jailed or tortured. To him it is all a small price to pay for the protection of the "regime of resistance", read at your own risk. Angry Arab picks on NYT and Al Arabia every day which are very easy targets, but does not dare to touch Al-Akhbar although its coverage of Syrian events has been a disgrace by every journalistic standard]

The Arab clients of Washington have a plan for Syria. A sizable group of Arab states are demanding that Bashar Assad relinquish power. Not via the street, but by dissolving his regime himself. After months of confrontations, justifiable or not, between the regime and protesters — or collaborators with foreign powers near and far

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