Monday, November 14, 2011

Arab League Suspends Syria, Concern Grows Over Foreign Intervention to End Crisis

Democracy Now!


"Today the European Union decided to impose sanctions on 18 Syrians in response to the killings of protesters by Syrian forces under President Bashar al-Assad. The move comes after the Arab League formally suspended the Syrian delegation on Saturday over its violent crackdown on eight months of protests. In a new report, Human Rights Watch accused the Assad government of "crimes against humanity" for alleged killings of protesters dating back to April, and called on the United Nations to impose an arms embargo on Syria and refer top officials to the International Criminal Court for prosecution. We speak with Bassam Haddad, director of the Middle East Studies Program at George Mason University. He says he opposes external intervention in Syria and calls for non-military action. “The economic sanctions that are taking place targeting particular individuals, might [work],” Haddad says. “I suspect that the defection of the business classes from the regime’s ranks is going to continue and increase very rapidly."...."

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