Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Egypt's aftershocks: Military vs the people

Al Jazeera's senior political analyst answers three questions about the escalation in Egypt.

Marwan Bishara

"Why has there been an escalation in protests in Egypt?

Is that why the Sharaf government resigned?
Prime Minister Issam Sharaf was one of the first politicians to come into Tahrir Square to be with the revolutionaries after his appointment to make it clear where he stood. Several months later however, it's obvious that SCAF, not the civilian government, has been governing Egypt since revolution.

That's why regardless of the identity of the next interim or caretaker government through the elections, it must insist on its autonomy from the generals to ensure its credibility in the eyes of the people....

But would the military accept to return to the barracks and forgo its privileges?
And that also means that the military is part and parcel of the state's institutions and falls under, not above, the sovereignty of the nation.

The generals can't have their cake and eat it too. A democracy isn't functional if it's not extended to the armed forces.

The generals couldn't decide their own budget and impose it on the people, or carve their own area of interest in the economy and polity of the nation.

Nor should they be exempted from retrospection or alternation that serves the higher interest of the country and its national security....."

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