Monday, November 14, 2011

Israel reported 'behind blast' that killed Iran's missile chief

Time magazine quotes 'western intel source' as saying Mossad carried out blast at missile base near Tehran

The Guardian

"Time's correspondent in Jerusalem, Karl Vick, is reporting that Israel was responsible for the huge blast on Saturday at a Revolutionary Guard missile base, about 35 km west of Tehran. Vick quotes a western intelligence source as saying that Mossad carried out the sabotage attack, adding that more such attacks are to be expected - "There are more bullets in the magazine."
If true, it would be the most damaging blow to date in the covert war against Iran's nuclear weapons programme. It killed 17 Iranian revolutionary guardsmen, including the head of the missile programme, General Hasan Moghaddam, decribed in the Iranian press as "a pioneer" of Iran's missile project [Farsi]. His official job description was head of the 'self-sufficiency department" for munitions. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was at the funeral today. ....."

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