Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan: “The War is Unwinnable: It is a Stalemate. There is No Victory”

"The U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, now entering its eleventh year, shows no sign of ending. On Saturday, 12 U.S. soldiers died in a suicide bombing in Kabul. It was deadliest single ground attack against NATO forces in the decade of war. To discuss Afghanistan, we speak with Jonathan Steele, a longtime correspondent for the The Guardian newspaper and author of the new book, "Ghosts of Afghanistan: The Haunted Battleground.” “The [U.S. military strategy] doesn’t work because you create new resistance by being there. So resistance comes 'cause you're there. You’re not there because of the resistance. The occupying force itself creates the resistance,” Steele said. “And so the crucial thing now is to recognize that the war is unwinnable: It is a stalemate. There is no victory."...."

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